Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Judge Strikes Down Prop 8 In California.

Gay marriage is back and hopefully here to stay in California
Right or wrong, it is a personal choice involving two people.
No one else.
Why do people care what others do with their private lives anyway?
This has nothing to do with marriage between a man and a woman.
A major problem with this issue is that society uses the Bible as the base for their anti-gay cause.
The reality is that we do not even know if the Bible is the true word of God or a novel written many centuries ago by others.
I believe in God, but if you believe in the Bible, then why do you judge gays when it tells you not to judge others?
While I am not gay, I do have gay friends.
I am proud to know them.
If they want to get married, then let them.
God will decide what is right or wrong.
His answers may not come from a book.
Stop using the Bible for life's answers.
Its use has caused more harm than good.

George Vreeland Hill

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